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Scrum machine

Laurent Troude

Rugby Terrain Troude

Un mot sur l'oeuvre

(REF : LTRO001)

2007, France was hosting the Rugby World Cup. In the months leading up to it, L’Equipe Magazine visited various meccas of French rugby. The photographer Laurent Troude went to Saint-Vincent de Tyrosse in the Landes to tell the story of the past and present of this bastion of French rugby. A small town for the country, a massive one for rugby.
If you take into account its population (7800 at the last census), it is home to the greatest club in terms of international players in the history of French rugby. Thirteen of them were trained here, from Pierre Daulouede in the pre-war years, to François Gelez at the beginning of the 2000s, via the Camberabero family, Jo Ruppert and Guy Accocebery.
Scrum machine in the Durry stadium.

Le témoignage de Laurent Troude

I have always loved rugby. I even wanted to learn the game, and tried to join a veteran team later on in life. I have always enjoyed covering the world of rugby and am very sensitive to the human stories that the sport generates and passes on.
When Jean-Denis Walter spoke to me about his gallery project, I immediately thought about suggesting this photo which has always been etched in my mind.

Le choix de Jean-Denis

It is simple and effective. An ordinary place whose soul has been glorified by the mist.
And all in a delightfully vintage atmosphere.
This image will speak to the layperson and the believer. A cliché of rugby past for some, strange and mysterious objects for others.
Just let yourself be carried away by the photo. Soothing.